Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Welcome to the Break Up Guru!

Break ups suck.

It sucks to be dumped of course but there is information all over the place on dealing with that! Half the music industry seems to be all about break up songs giving those dumped badly a way to deal with the emotional turmoil.

However not many people think about the other side, the person doing the dumping and what they might be feeling. Typically this is because people think the dumper is the bad guy/girl every time when usually this is not the case ... but people tend to sympathize with the dumped more.

So to give a little perspective on this matter i have set this blog up to discuss these things and also to give information to people finding it hard to dump their boyfriend or girlfriend because of the stigma associated with it and because most of the time they still care about these people and want to break up well instead of disastrously!

So if you are stuck in a dead end relationship and you know it has to end i hope this blog will give you some good tips on how to handle the whole process so you come out looking like a saint and can live and love again without guilt and a messy break up haunting you!

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